Nov 28, 2015

What illuminati call Syria opposition: subtypes, ROLES

Syria: Painting "both"/both sides with the same colors: contrast US/Russia jets with real/fake rebels
Oct 9, 2016: the second and final step of the psy-op to divert from "Painting syrian skies with the same colors", more than 2 years after the first step, Sep 2014. 
Illuminati Web of disinfo at work to complete the psy-op: "U.S.may be preparing false flag attack as they paint their F18 fighters to duplicate markings of Syrian & Russian Air Force".
Goal of this psy-op: deny "Syria: part of the US jets painted with the same colors as russian jets" or at least divert from the obvious reason.
Time to remember Last Prophet's words from Nov 28, 2015 [examples updated 2016, other updates in brackets]
From FSA First Coastal Division in Kinsabba, Latakia to Jaish al-Islam leaders in Ghoutta, Damascus  = fake rebels, INFILTRATORS.
US, Turkey, Saudi & Co support for syrian rebels - for dummies
How illuminazi puppet governments "help" the syrian rebels.
Forces stating to be fighting Assad AND to be backed by US, Turkey, Saudi & Co: FAKE rebels: subtypes
It's as simple as this: ALL leaders as well as in some units all fighters are FAKE rebels.
The main types, with examples: 
1. pretending to fight Assad, along the real rebels: leaders of Jaysh al Islam in East Ghoutta, FSA First Coastal Division in Kinsabba, Zinki in Aleppo [added: Jund Al Aqsa].
2. not even pretending to fight Assad:
a)- pretending to fight  ISIS, illustrated by the "ping pong" mock game staged as "liberated/recaptured" along the turkish border;
b )- "engaged" in truces with Assad while civilians in Damascus suburbs, Idlib and Aleppo are non-stop bombed, from splitter and barrel bombs to thermite: commanders of FSA divisions in the south (Daraa).
Illuminazis pretending to support the real rebels: Goals
Any support to real rebels by illuminazi puppet governments goes beyond diversion: the main goal is to have infiltrators "join" the real rebels.
Their main mission: to ambush and murder rebel commanders, part of the strategic goal of taking over the leadershio from within.
Below a detailed list of the roles of these infiltrators on the ground as well as of the fake rebels playing opposition in exile in Turkey.
What illuminati media calls "Syria opposition ": ROLES
[Illustrated with examples from 2016]
1. Market Assad as partner, fromr peace talks" to "truces".
Example: peace talks Feb 2016 in Ankara and Riyadh 
2. Sign truces as part of the strategy to pave the way for major assaults by the nazi forces. 
Example: Feb 2016, truce in Daraa in the south before and while all out assault on Aleppo.
3. Market the fake war "US led coalition vs ISIS", a "war" that targets ONLY civilians, part of the "genocide of sunnis and christians" agenda.
Example: Syria opposition asks anti-IS coalition to halt strikes "because civilians ALSO killed" or in other words suggesting that ISIS are ALSO killed.
What illuminati media calls "moderate rebels" on the ground - ROLES:
1. Market the fake war "syrian opposition v Assad" 
2. Ambush and murder the real rebel commanders, so that they can be step by step replaced with infiltrators.
Example: Al-Nusra alone had 20+ commanders alone killed with IEDs, bullets from Jan to Mar 2016.
3. Market the fake war against ISIS, in this case of "US backed rebels"
To stage this fake war at will the "front" was reduced to areas where there are no real rebels. 
Note:  this is a role that these "moderate rebels" share with Assad's forces.
Examples: from Azaz pocket in north to desert areas along the Jordan border.
4. Use the fake war against ISIS to supply ISIS with weapons, staged as table tennis match: one day "liberated" the next day "recaptured" by ISIS that also "captures" the weapons of the "US bacled rebels".
Note: this is a role that these "moderate rebels" share with Assad's forces.
Example: Azaz pocket, along the turkish border.
5. Attack the real rebels, served as "rebel infighting", to pave the way for Assad/Iran's assault 
In other words: use these "moderate rebels" the same way as ISIS was used before it was completely exposed as an enemy of the real rebels.
Examples: May 2016 East Ghoutta.
6. Stage "rebel defeats" after victories by the real rebels, in order to boost the morale of the illuminazi forces.
Example: Aug 8 - IV Reich mercenaries recapture Kinsabba, Latakia, in coordination with the fake rebels of the First Coastal Division.
Timing: two days after rebels lifted the siege of Aleppo, inflicting a major defeat to Assad/Russia/Iran/Hezbollah, alias the IV Reich.
7. Stage psy-ops to discredit the real rebels. 
Example: "Syrian rebels behead palestinian child", paving the way for Erdogan's invasion to help crush the real rebels, as always under the cover of fighting ISIS.
Fake rebels of the First Coastal Division  participated in this:
Turkey downs russian jet hoax computer graphics video same as 9/11 planes or almost all videos "Russia and US led coalition bombing ISIS oil wells trucks".
Exceptions: grain silos in rebel held areas marketed as ISIS refineries, trucks supplying oil to rebel held areas (Azaz) marketed as attacks to ISIS trucks exporting oil to Turkey.
ISIS are fake rebels used to fight and discredit the real rebels in Syria and there's none in Iraq.
ISIS mercenaries are supplied by two fake sunni governments, the treasonous illuminazi puppets of Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
Turkish supply of ISIS includes NATO soldiers dressed as jihadists, all part of ASSAD's nazi forces.
Islamic State ISIS - the SIX basic facts for dummies 
Aleppo: Armageddon's battle of Stalingrad: why Obama's staged arrest postponed [and fake coup in Turkey preponed]: VIDEOS
Psy-op "Syrian rebels behead palestinian child" (all actors except the murdered child): psy-op predicted one week in ADVANCE.
PSY-OP part of "Turkey enters war in Syria", same as this
FAKE Coup attempt, Illuminati theater, SCRIPT exposed: Syria Invasion

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